In 2007, Charlie and Jeff La Grecca and Sean Altman brought their outlandish a cappella comedy, "Minimum Wage" off-broadway and became the toast of the Fringe Theatre Festival, grabbing the prestigious honor of Fringe's Top Ten Shows of the Decade.
In 2008 and again in 2010, "In Transit" made their award-winning off-broadway run, creating a musical from "beneath the streets" and winning the 2011 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Ensemble Performance.
Now, a new off-broadway a cappella musical is coming to New York, "The VocaPeople." White faced, bald-capped and red-lipped, these singers promise a sound that highlights the zany, goofy, over-the-top side of a cappella.
If you'll be in New York on or after June 23, 2011 and you want to help a cappella grow, consider grabbing some tickets to VocaPeople. In the fall of 2011, In Transit is scheduled to return. With two off-broadway a cappella shows, fans can hit NYC and make a weekend of it!